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Performance*. |
Period | ESA Global Equity | |
1 month | 1.00% | |
3 months | -0.23% | |
6 months | 11.42% | |
12 months | 17.22% | |
36 months | 22.46% | |
60 months | 19.79% | |
120 months | n/a | |
YTD | 1.38% | |
*Performance of class A units,, 13-02-2025 |
4 - high risk
Risk indicator is presented in accordance with the Key Information Document. The indicator is calculated based on the historical volatility of the fund's rates of return resulting from the implemented investment policy and may change in the future. Even the lowest risk category does not mean that the fund is risk-free. Other risk factors related to investing in the fund, which are not included in the indicator, are presented in the Key Information Document and the Fund's Prospectus.
Typically 100% participation units in iShares Core MSCI World UCITS ETF
The iShares Core MSCI World UCITS ETF invests at least 65% of its net assets in equity securities which, to the extent possible and practicable, reflect a share of the securities in the MSCI World Index.
The volatility of the Sub-Fund's Net Asset Value will therefore also largely depend on the volatility of the MSCI World Index.
The sub-fund is intended for an investor who:
This is an investor who expects a significantly higher rate of return in the long term than from bank deposits, cash funds, money market, debt and mixed funds, and is ready to incur significant losses in the short term in anticipation of the rates of return in a longer-term.
The subfund may be suitable for regular investing within long-term saving and pension schemes (regular saving plans (CPO), individual retirement accounts (IKE), individual pension security accounts (IKZE)). The subfund may be selected particularly by investors taking advantage of the 3rd pillar of the pension system, employees enrolled in the employee pension schemes in the form of investment funds and managed by employers.
Transfer Agent
Pekao Financial Services Sp. z o.o.
Deutsche Bank Polska S.A.
Investment of subfund's assets:
This is an advertising information. This material does not contain sufficient information to make an investment decision. The promoted investment means the purchase of participation units.
The fund do not guarantee that the investment objective or a specific investment result will be achieved. Before investing, you should read the Prospectus and the Key Information Documents. The Prospectus as well as the Key Information Documents include the data required to evaluate an investment, outline the risks connected with participation in the fund, and inform on the related costs, charges and taxes. Read the full text of the important information
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